Most of the energy on earth comes from the sun where it originates by nuclear fusion. The energy travels in outer space as electromagnetic waves, with no losses.
solar radiation = 178,000 tera-watts a year to Earth
All movement on Earth, from a beating heart to a speeding train, is energized by the Sun. The solar energy reaching planet Earth ends up in thermal processes involving heating , evaporation and weather. 30% is reflected back to space. 50% is absorbed as heat and reradiated back. 20% of the solar energy powers the wind and water cycles. Very little of the solar radiation (~1%) goes to power photosynthesis, necessary for life support's organic food and oxygen.
Global Warming
Some emissions retard Solar Heat back to space
Some minor gases in the atmosphere retard solar heat exchange to space thereby maintaining our present climates and temperatures, like a greenhouse; otherwise the planet would be unbearably cold. The main gases are carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane. After millions of years, nature has created a heat balance for maintaining our global planet temperature around 15°C. However, human activity like burning fossil fuels and wood has added pollutants and more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere which is responsible for climbing temperatures. CO2 it Is considered the main indicator of a serious problem.. CO2 concentration in the upper atmosphere went from 280 ppm in 1850 to 415 ppm today in 2019. This is causing catastrophic environmental changes like melting glaciers, coastal ocean floods and forest fires, to mention a few. A world wide emergency effort is required to curtail the use of fossil fuels and related emissions is required to relieve the ongoing present day global warning.
Atmospheric Energy
Atmospheric Beauty and Power
About 25% of the daily solar energy impacting the earth goes to making clouds and wind. Clouds form by evaporating water from the oceans and seas. The wind is a response to atmospheric thermal and pressure differences moving air from one place to another. Consequently, we have variable local weather, with wind, rain, snow. Most often the weather is good by providing sunlight and rain for plants and animals but sometimes, both are lacking. The weather helps farms growing vegetables but it also creates storms destroying buildings and making floods. Without clouds in the sky, plants could not grow, and people could not move, eat or think. The planet earth depends on the Sun to provide the energy to make clouds that that transport the water from the seas to the land, as beneficial rain but also for storms, hurricanes and tornadoes.
Biological Energy
Biological energy for animals and humans is a critical concern for life existence and economic organization. All living organisms require energy for any physical activity; whether it is for talking, walking or running energy is required. Lions and leopards need energy to run after their prey.
Instead of going to the solar electron bank of energy for deposits going back a million years ago, we can use the daily influx of solar energy directly to make electricity or capture heat. Renewable energy systems save fossil fuels for later use in future technical applications. Before the advent of fossil fuels, it was common to use forest woods, hydro-power, and windmills to meet economic needs. The most reliable commercial technical applications today are: hydroelectric power, wind turbine electric generation, solar photovoltaic electricity.
After worldwide rejection of nuclear power prompted by the catastrophic events of Fukushima and Chernobyl, there is now renewed attention to constructing smaller and safer nuclear energy reactors along side of renewable solar and wind power, in order to avert global warming from fossil fuel combustion.
Combustion Energy
Motors and engines require creative combustion technology to mix free oxygen and fuels and ignition for operating functions as seen in automobiles and rockets. Outer space activities From satellites to the space station and most electricity generation is made by fossil fuel combustion.
Fuel + Oxygen = Power